
Why I’m More Confident Netflix’s One Piece Adaptation Will Be A Hit After Watching The Newest Trailer

Netflix’s live-action adaptation of the beloved manga and anime One Piece is on the way, but despite the promising information known about it, high hopes weren’t necessarily abundant online. Live-action takes on anime have been historically disappointing for audiences, and with Netflix failing to give its adaptation of Cowboy Bebop a fair shot before canceling the promising series after one season, it’s hard to blame fans for keeping their expectations low. I was admittedly in that same camp until watching the full One Piece trailer that dropped for Comic-Con, and now I’m feeling newly confident that this adaptation will be a hit for the streamer. 

If you’re a fan of One Piece and haven’t yet seen the full-length trailer for Season 1, stop everything and do so immediately. Even if you’ve seen it, you’re due for a rewatch. Let’s all take a brief break and absorb this together before getting into the details of why I’m so psyched for the series: 

If that doesn’t want to make you sign up for a Netflix subscription immediately, or at least specifically timed to the show’s release, I’m not sure what to tell you. There are a few key elements from the full-length One Piece trailer that have me far more convinced that this series is on the right path, and more hopeful than ever that it will become a success for both fans of the source materials and newcomers to the franchise alike, not to mention the streaming service itself. Let’s dive into the stand-out moments that have me so excited to see the Straw Hats hit the high seas in search of the legendary treasure. 

The sea monster staring down Shanks and young Luffy

(Image credit: Netflix)

The Visuals Look Spectacular

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