There’s always an element of risk that comes with being an actor. You never quite know how people are going to react to something you put out there. Will your emotional breakdown scene connect with people or will they laugh at it? Will that satirical joke land or will people be offended? You kind of just have to trust your instinct, which is certainly something American Pie actor Jason Biggs can speak to. He thought the scene where he has sex with the pie sounded hilarious on his first read through, but once it came time to actually film it, the messy gravity of it all suddenly struck him.
The actor recently sat down with People to talk about what is still undoubtedly his most famous scene more than two decades later, and he was extremely candid in his assessment. He admitted he had a “momentary freakout” when he was about to shoot and wound up calling his manager, who told him to get back in there and hump that pie. Here’s a portion of his quote…
I remember when I first read the script, I thought it was so great, unlike anything else I had read. But then the day of filming came and I had this momentary freakout where I thought, ‘Oh geez, what if no one sees this? Or what if they do see it?’ And they think, ‘What the heck did that guy do? Why would he do that? That’s awful.’ My confidence waned. I called my manager and I remember telling him like, ‘Dude, am I really about to go in there and do this with a pie? Is this porn? Am I tripping? Is this not as funny as I thought it was? Am I really going to do this?’ And he literally told me, ‘Jason, you go in there and you hump that pie with all you got.
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